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A better, safer future for Central Australia

18 May 2023

Taking action in response to the urgent challenges facing communities in Alice Springs and Central Australia, the Australian Government has invested $48.8 million over two years to improve community safety and $250 million for A better, Safer Future for Central Australia plan.

The Australian Government in partnership with the Northern Territory Government is working with communities and organisations on long-term solutions for a better, safer future.

The Australian Government is taking a new approach by listening to communities first because the most effective solutions come from local community and, with the NT Government, appointed a Central Australian Regional Controller, Dorrelle Anderson to engage and consult with communities.

After consultation with communities, the Regional Controller made recommendations to the Northern Territory and Australian Governments.

These recommendations have resulted in a $250 million plan; A better, Safer Future for Central Australia. This plan will focus on six core actions:

  1. Improved community safety and cohesion
  2. Job Creation
  3. Better Services
  4. Preventing and addressing the issues caused by Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
  5. Investing in families
  6. On Country learning

The Australian Government’s landmark investment will be delivered through working with the Northern Territory Government and Central Australia Regional Controller, local communities, businesses and governments and aligns with the National Agreement on Closing the Gap

About the Central Australian Regional Controller

Raised in Papunya, Ms Dorrelle Anderson is a Luritja woman. She has family connections to the Warlpiri, Pintubi and Western Arrente people of Yuendumu, Nyirripi, Kwirrikurra, Kintore, Mt Liebig, Haasts Bluff and Hermansburg.

In her role, Ms Anderson is regularly travelling to community and talking with people to make sure their voices are heard and that they have their say on solutions to local issues.

The Office of the Central Australia Regional Controller or the OCARC has been set up with staff from both the Australian and NT Governments to support the Regional Controller.

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PDF icon A better and safer future for Central Australia JMR.pdf

PDF icon Community-led response to improve community safety in Alice Springs -JMR.pdf

New investment to support a better, safer future for Central Australia | Ministers Media Centre (

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