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A group of smiling people wearing shirts with a matching brightly coloured design and the text 'Walking Together'
Stories | 12 Jul 2024

Odyssey House provides specialist alcohol and other drug services to Victorians in need, their families and carers of those facing addiction and mental health issues.

Have your say on the Grant Opportunity Guidelines for the new remote jobs program
Announcements | 11 Jul 2024

Draft Grant Opportunity Guidelines (GOGs) for the Remote Jobs and Economic Development (RJED) program are now available for public feedback.

This is the next step in working in partnership to design the new jobs program coming to remote Australia later this year.

Let's talk food security. Have your say today
Announcements | 11 Jul 2024

A national food security strategy for remote communities is being developed.

The new strategy will be designed to improve the price, quality and availability of food and other essential groceries in remote communities.

Have your say about the food security needs in your local community.

Youpla Support Program
Announcements | 1 Jul 2024

Did you pay for a Youpla or ACBF funeral fund on or after 1 August 2015? If you did, you might be able to get a payment that could help with Sorry Business through the Youpla Support Program.

The Youpla Support Program has been set up by the government to support mob who were affected by ACBF/Youpla going broke.

The Youpla Support Program runs from 1 July 2024 until 30 June 2026.

Framework for Governance of Indigenous Data
Announcements | 12 Jun 2024

Co-designed with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partners, the newly released Framework for Governance of Indigenous Data will support improved access to government-held Indigenous data for First Nations Australians, to better reflect their priorities and aspirations.

Better outcomes are achieved when First Nations people have a genuine say in matters affecting them—including the use of data to inform policy-making in government.

WEX Regional 2024 students with Christine Jenner (centre), Deputy Chair Larrakia Development Corporation. Ms Jenner addressed the students during the Culture Night.
Stories | 5 Jun 2024
Garramilla / Darwin hosted the Work Exposure in Government (WEX) regional program for 2024. Students in Years 10-12 learnt about the employment opportunities in the APS.
First year primary school teacher Tayha Duggan-Hill with students in Maningrida, NT
Stories | 5 Jun 2024
Tayha Duggan-Hill completed her Bachelor of Early Childhood Education in 2023 and is now in her first year of teaching at the remote Maningrida School in the Northern Territory.
Stories | 29 May 2024
Every year on 3 June we celebrate Mabo Day, which commemorates the life of Eddie Koiko Mabo and marks the anniversary of the historic 1992 Mabo decision.
Eddie Mabo was a Torres Strait Islander man who challenged the claim that his family’s traditional land was owned by the Crown. The High Court’s decision in Mabo v Queensland (No 2) overturned that claim and set a precedent in Australian law for the recognition of Indigenous custodianship over their traditional land. 
The Long Walk participants
Stories | 24 May 2024

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Michael Long’s walk to Canberra to make a stand against racial abuse, and to put First Nations issues back on the National Agenda. The NIAA is providing $70,000 for venue hire and First Nations entertainment. 

Minyumai Rangers Jessie McGellicott, Keith Morgan, Sam Wilson with ‘Red’ the Dingo.
Stories | 22 May 2024
Indigenous Rangers from the Minyumai Indigenous Protected Area in NSW have attended the Inaugural First Nations Dingo Forum hosted by Girringun Aboriginal Corporation in Queensland.
