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Children and Schooling

A healthy and safe start to life gives our children the greatest chance of succeeding at school, realising their potential, and making the most of their opportunities throughout their life.

Investing in children’s early years builds on the strengths of culture and care, and sets the course for a future of prosperity and opportunity. It supports strong foundations and underpins better education, employment, health and social outcomes for them, their families and communities.

Ensuring children are ready and able to participate in school every day is essential. By getting children to school, improving education outcomes and supporting families through their child’s education – from early years learning through to tertiary education – will achieve real results for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

A good education also helps keep culture strong and enable future generations to share stories about their community, culture and kinship.

To make this happen, government and communities need to work together to:

  • connect children with early learning opportunities and support
  • focus on parents, families and carer support
  • improve school attendance rates, particularly in remote areas
  • ensure more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students are meeting the national minimum standards in literacy and numeracy
  • support more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to finish Year 12, or equivalent
  • support more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to go on to higher education at TAFE or university.

For advice or financial support regarding education, please note that the Department of Human Services has a study assistance program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

Also, for further advice about funding a child's education, contact our department’s regional office nearest to you.

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WEX Regional 2024 students with Christine Jenner (centre), Deputy Chair Larrakia Development Corporation. Ms Jenner addressed the students during the Culture Night.
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Garramilla / Darwin hosted the Work Exposure in Government (WEX) regional program for 2024. Students in Years 10-12 learnt about the employment opportunities in the APS.
First year primary school teacher Tayha Duggan-Hill with students in Maningrida, NT
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Educators at this year’s ATSIMA 2023 Conference in Yirrkala
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More than 100 educators from a diverse range of backgrounds attended the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mathematics Alliance (ATSIMA) 2023 conference in Yirrkala, North East Arnhem Land.

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Many different organisations and government agencies are working with communities to achieve real results in children and schooling. Visit the websites below to find out more: