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Minister Scullion: Land handover to Yanyuwa People

7 May 2015

More than 200 hectares of land has been handed back to its traditional owners at Jawuma (Black Rock Landing) near Borroloola in the Northern Territory.

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, today delivered a deed of grant to members of the Wurralibi (No 2) Aboriginal Land Trust.

“The land around Jawuma is of great cultural and historical significance for the Yanyuwa people of the area and I am pleased the title is now back with its rightful owners,” Minister Scullion said.

“The handover of the land title will mean that local Yanyuwa families will once again be in a position to choose how the land is used.

“I applaud the Yanyuwa people for the journey they have undertaken to have their land and their culture recognised.”

Minister Scullion said the land handed over includes four small islets, as well as Batten Point, covering about 219 hectares of land.

“Traditional owners first lodged this claimed in 1977 and the four islets were inadvertently omitted from a deed of grant delivered to the Trust back in 2006.

“This Government is working with traditional owners and Land Councils to positively progress outstanding land claims as quickly as possible.

“Planning the development of this land has been ongoing for many years and various projects are already underway to support the work of the li-Anthawirriyarra (people of the sea) Sea Ranger Unit.

“Further developments are also planned including an operational hub for the Sea Rangers, an educational centre for visitors and school children, accommodation for Yanyuwa families and camping facilities. “These projects will form the basis of secure positive cultural, environmental, educational and economic outcomes for future Yanyuwa generations.”

Today’s ceremony marks the third grant of Aboriginal land in the last 12 months and demonstrates this Government’s commitment to recognise traditional ownership of land and work with local Aboriginal communities to promote better economic development outcomes.

Find out more

Visit the Minister's website to view this media release.

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