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Minister Scullion: Indigenous rangers recognised on world stage

22 Aug 2017

Australia’s commitment to land conservation through Indigenous Protected Areas and the Working on Country Indigenous Ranger programme has been recognised by the World Future Council.

The council has confirmed Australia will be awarded the Bronze Future Policy Award 2017 for empowering Indigenous people in the area of land restoration at an awards ceremony to be held in Ordos, China, next month.

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, said the Coalition Government was providing unprecedented support for Indigenous rangers. 

“Our record levels of funding for the Indigenous ranger programme has taken our total investment in Indigenous rangers to more than $550 million over seven years through to 2020," Minister Scullion said.

“This investment is not only leading to better environmental outcomes on country, but is providing valuable employment opportunities for more than 2500 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. 

“The Indigenous Ranger Programme is a great example of the traditional knowledge of our First Australians being combined with modern scientific know-how to improve environmental outcomes on country and I am proud that the work being carried out by our Indigenous rangers has been recognised on the world stage.

“We have long recognised the success of the Indigenous ranger programme, which is why the Coalition Government recently announced a new $30 million Capacity Building for Indigenous Rangers Strategy. 

“It is fitting that we accept this award on the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Indigenous Protected Areas Programme – a Howard Government initiative that has transformed large parts of our country.”

Find out more

Visit the Minister's website to view the original media release.

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