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Minister Scullion: IAS grant round investment totals $1 billion

28 May 2015

The Australian Government’s investment through the Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS) grant round has increased to $1 billion, with 996 organisations to now receive funding for over 1,350 projects throughout Australia that will deliver improved outcomes for Indigenous Australians.

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, said today the increase from the initial $860 million was a result of the Government honouring its commitment to provide longer funding agreements for important frontline services and ensuring that any gaps that emerged as part of the round were filled as quickly as possible.

“The Government is giving organisations extra financial security by locking in the grant funding for two or three years, which will enable providers to get on with the job of delivering positive outcomes for Indigenous communities,” Minister Scullion said.

“More than 80 per cent of organisations will have a funding agreement of two or more years as a result of the IAS grant funding round.

“There has also been a particular focus on ensuring Indigenous service providers are supported as much as possible.

“In total, 46 per cent of funded organisations are Indigenous and 55 per cent of funds under the IAS round is going to Indigenous organisations.

“This increased investment will help deliver on the Government’s key priorities of getting children to school and adults to work and making communities safer.

 “The $4.9 billion IAS was designed to be flexible, which has enabled the Government to make sure effective frontline services continue and service delivery gaps are filled as a matter of urgency.  

“A key example of where this flexible design proved effective was the issue raised by organisations in the Northern Territory about the possible impact of the funding round on youth services. This issue was able to be dealt with immediately with additional funding allocated.

“We are in the final stages of negotiation with organisations and are on track for funding agreements required to be in place by 1 July 2015.”


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