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Minister Scullion: Community safety the priority as Community Night Patrol and NT Police join forces

19 Nov 2018

Community Night Patrol (CNP) providers in the Top End have cemented their partnership with Northern Territory Police to work better together to improve community safety outcomes in remote communities across the Northern Territory.

The Australian Government, and the Northern Territory Police have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to facilitate greater collaboration between CNP providers and local police.

Minister for Indigenous Affairs Nigel Scullion said the partnership will improve collaboration in communities between night patrollers and police and ensure night patrollers are better supported to undertake their important role in helping to keep communities safe at night.

"Everyone has the right to be safe in their community and the Australian Government is committed to ensuring the protection of all citizens," Minister Scullion said.

"That’s why we established Community Night Patrol, to deliver targeted safety initiatives in the Top End. By signing this memorandum of understanding with our territory counterpart, we are taking our commitment a step further.

"This agreement gives effect to the commitment from both governments to improve community safety outcomes In the Northern Territory for locals and patrollers alike.

"Community Night Patrol providers already play a crucial role in helping to prevent crime and enhancing community resilience, but we want to make their job easier. With the help of Northern Territory Police, night patrollers will be better supported and, therefore, more effective."

The MOU will form the basis for local governance, agreements and partnerships to empower community engagement and solutions to improving safety.

"Support and involvement from the community is important to the success of delivering effective community safety services", Minister Scullion said.

"Working in partnership with communities will ensure community safety services support local needs and assist in building community capacity in the longer term."

Key personnel from Northern Territory Police and CNP providers will work with the community to develop local partnerships and governance arrangements to identify community safety issues and solutions.

All parties will work to actively promote and acknowledge the positive impact of the work undertaken by night patrollers and local police.

In addition to strengthening community safety initiatives, Minister Scullion said the closer working relationship between CNP providers and Northern Territory Police will create job opportunities.

"This agreement further demonstrates the commitment of both governments to support organisational frameworks that identify career pathways for night patrollers," Minister Scullion said."It will facilitate more targeted recruitment, training and mentoring practices to support career progression for local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples."

Find out more

Visit the Minister's website to view the original media release.

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