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The wheelchair isn't who I am, but it's definitely shaped who I am – ABC Heywire

Lily from Nowra NSW.jpg

A young woman sits in a wheelchair on grass. In the background are trees.
2021 ABC Heywire winner Lily from Nowra, NSW
31 Mar 2021

2021 Heywire winner Lily from Nowra, NSW is in a wheelchair due to a genetic disorder known as Friedreich's ataxia. Find out more about her experiences of high school and how she is proud to stand out.

Listen to her winning ABC Heywire entry.

Lily is one of 35 winners of the annual ABC Heywire storytelling competition putting young Australians at the centre of the conversations that shape their communities.

Find out more about the Heywire competition and the other 2021 winners.

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