Teresa, Mum of three, making a difference

As a mother of three, with lived experience of disability, Teresa takes pride in doing her job with both empathy and compassion.
For Teresa, a First Nations liaison officer, from Kabi Kabi/Gubbi Gubbi Country, working for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is very rewarding.
‘Working for the NDIS is a dream job.’ Teresa said.
Making a difference in people's lives – however big or small – means everything.
As a mother of three, with lived experience of disability, she takes pride in doing her job with both empathy and compassion.
‘My son Jamie was born with a degenerative disability and passed away 10 years ago at 23.’
‘He was born and passed away before the NDIS was available on the Sunshine Coast. I think about what it would’ve meant for my son and our family if we had access to what’s available now.’
In my role I see things through a different lens. The lens of a mother of a child with a disability, and an Indigenous woman.
Teresa joined the NDIS in 2021 through the Indigenous Apprenticeship Program (IAP). Since then, she has worked as a planner, participant support officer and team leader, before recently becoming a First Nations liaison officer.
‘The IAP gave me the opportunity, and every day since has been my best day.’
Teresa's family is part of the Stolen Generation. Her father passed away at the age of 82, only acknowledging his Indigenous heritage 6 months before his death.
‘My dad lived in fear. His mother had her 3 youngest sisters taken from her as part of the Stolen Generation. They grew up scared about what our culture meant.’
Being able to recognise I am a First Nations woman and champion for others in the NDIS, is so important.
Teresa believes it is important for people to educate themselves and recognise the importance of inclusion, not only for First Nations people, but across the board.
People from Indigenous backgrounds, or CALD, and other diversities, can struggle to feel like they fit in or have the same opportunities.
‘I felt nothing but support and encouragement throughout the entire experience.’
First Nations people bring a wealth of life experience, cultural heritage, knowledge and skills into the workplace helping to make sure participants are understood and empowered to make informed choices about their disability supports.
The NDIS are currently hiring for a range of positions, including planner and participant support officer roles. Learn more about the roles that are currently available on the NDIS website.